Kieran Drew

Kieran Drew

Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business

148 posts

My Plans for the Next 6 Months (And Why Travelling Was a Difficult Decision)

The Best Copywriting Tip I’ve Heard (That Is Rarely Mentioned)

Are You an Idiot for Not Sending Daily Emails?

Stop Overlooking This Easy Way to Set Yourself Apart From the Crowd

Advice for Entrepreneurs Who Love Business but Hate Selling

Are Expert Writers Ruining Your Business One Tip at a Time?

The Real Reason You’re Not Connecting With Your Audience

I Quit My 9-5 3 Years Ago Today. The Most Important Lesson I Learned

Are You Committing These Seven Deadly Email Sins?

No One Cares How Hard You Work

This Will Sink Your Success Faster Than the Titanic

Why Hiring a Writer for Your Business Is a Bad Idea