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    3 Interesting Tips From Starting My First Book

    Lessons learned from being a beginner again

    [MWM7] This Is Most Important Advice I Can Give You

    Two weeks ago, I started writing my first book. I'd been dragging my feet on this for a year. I was always ‘too busy’. But writing books is my dream. And I was unhappy in my business because I wasn't doing what I wanted. Which is

    [MWM6] The Best Quote on Building a Freedom-First Business I’ve Heard

    💡This email is part of a special series called the Magnetic Writer Manifesto. You can read the previous parts here: • Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 2 years ago, an idea from James Clear stopped me in my (busy) tracks: Build assets that compound…your business

    [MWM5] the 4 Pillars of Persuasive Writing

    The only content you should be writing for your business.

    [MWM4] Message of Meaning

    A lesson I wish I learned four years ago: If everyone likes your writing, no one loves it. When you try to please everyone, you please no one. The aim is to get your reader to say "Hell yeah" not "Yeah yeah”. To do so, you must

    [MWM3] Specificity Creates Authority

    Each year, I have a Christmas reunion with my university friends. In our previous, I had a few too many drinks and split my rum and coke on my friend’s lush cream carpet. In the morning, we began a hungover quest for a cleaner. There was an abundance of

    [MWM2] Don’t Follow the Crowd. Follow Your Curiosity

    I just finished re-reading 1984. I love dystopian stories that expose the dark side of humanity. In Orwell's world, the state controls the people. They have their own language (Newspeak), brainwashing (the 2 Minute Hate), and if you think individually (Thoughtcrime), you’re whisked off to be tortured,

    [New Email Series] The Great Online Opportunity Is Still Here

    When I was a dentist, I thought the only way to become a writer was to release a book. Otherwise, it was a hobby—a pipe dream. But my first blog post became the initial step to an online writing career. It took time to get going. 13 months to

    But Can’t AI Write for You Now?

    Last month in Thailand, I met a German guy outside a massage parlour (not that kind of massage). We got talking about work. I explained I was a writer and that I coach people how to write, too. He asked: “But can’t AI write for you now? What’s

    Benjamin Franklin’s Secret Technique to Becoming the Most Powerful Man in History

    Benjamin Franklin was an incredible writer. Writing helped him build a successful printing business. It helped him write a popular book (Poor Richard’s Almanack is quoted to this day). And of course, it helped him become one of the most powerful people in the world. But here’s something

    This Is the Reason Your Business Struggles

    Recently, a client hired me to help with their Black Friday launch. They have a successful coaching offer in the health space and were launching their flagship course. They booked a call to go through their launch strategy. But we spent most of the time on their sales page. Let

    My Biggest Blunder

    In the winter of 2020, I stumbled across a recommended booklist for aspiring writers. I’d read many. But one book was new to me: The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert. I hadn’t heard of copywriting, so I picked it up. And guess what? I hated it. It felt