Are You Swirling Down the Social Media Sinkhole?
One bullsh*t-stuffed sandwich I gulped up as an early creator:
Social media is the new blog.
Sure, blogging is past its prime. And social is the new heavyweight contender for attention.
But to call it the new blog is like calling a Ford a Ferrari just because you painted it red.
Because social media will have you running like a rat on a wheel.
Whatever you write dies within a few days, disappearing into the abyss of algorithm-induced uselessness.
To grow, you must engage every day.
And you cannot ‘master’ a platform because it constantly evolves.
I woke from the illusion of social media when I read a simple yet powerful idea from James Clear on how he built his business:
“Build assets that compound.”
Compounding assets stack over time.
Which means each year, business should get better, easier, and more enjoyable.
This wasn’t how social media felt for me. As the months dragged by, motivating myself to post felt harder and harder.
But then I shifted my focus to email (I still post on social but I don’t rely on it).
Email is one of the most powerful compounding vehicles for several reasons.
First, the skill of writing emails doesn’t change.
Storytelling, point proving, smooth pitching. These are all lifelong talents that do wonders for your business. But you can also post your emails on your website—enjoying the benefits of a blog without needing to build one.
This means you build a body of work people can read for decades instead of days.
For reference, my website now generates almost as much traffic as my Twitter account—without any extra work.
Third, and most excitingly, you can automate email delivery.
I have around 25 email sequences running in my business as we speak.
Some small, some large.
Some, like my welcome sequence, are six-figure assets. And I only had to write it once. Others share my best ideas and stories, so anyone who joins my list is immersed in my world within the first month.
This is why the Internet is awesome.
You gotta use what’s available to you:
A shit tonne of robots.
Because that’s how you disconnect your effort from results. It’s how you earn with your mind and not your time. It’s how you replicate yourself.
If freedom is your goal, email is the answer.

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business