If You’re Writing Online, Here’s a Word of Warning
Are you playing the right game?
Studies show 50% of businesses fail within 5 years.
But I’d bet 95% of creator-first businesses will crash and burn.
Consider this email a word of warning—a conversation I wish I had with myself three years ago.
It begins with the truth:
The online game isn’t as simple as people think.
From an ‘outsiders’ perspective, every social media influencer is rolling in cash. Big brand deals, flashy cars, great holidays.
This intrigues many people.
So they dive into online business with their 4 Hour Workweek book in hand.
At first it’s exciting. New skills. New opportunities. New challenges.
But you soon realise your favourite entrepreneurs are thousands of miles ahead. They started at a better time. They’ve got popular products. They have a bigger brand.
They make success look effortless… but the harsh reality is it’s anything but.
To succeed online, you’ve gotta hustle much harder than they did.
Infinite supply but finite demand.
Take YouTube for example.
It’s estimated 500 hours of new video content is uploaded every minute. 10 years ago, it was just 200 hours.
The rate of content creation is accelerating but the rate of consumption cannot—we only have so many hours in our day.
When faced with so much choice, what do you think audiences do—go with the new or the familiar?
Yep. Familiar.
It’s like when you’re faced with hundreds of restaurants—you might taste a new dish every now and then, but you always end up back to your favourites.
But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t create content.
The key is understanding that there is a new game with new rules.
See, most established entrepreneur built their audiences through playing the numbers game—pumping out content to attract attention.
This worked when markets were less saturated.
But competition demands innovation.
It’s not about quantity of content anymore.
It’s about quality.
In particular, quality writing.
Because yes, there’s crazy competition online. But there are few good writers. It’s much simpler to whip out your phone and talk to a camera than it is to wrestle with words.
But like Tim Ferris says, it’s better to aim for the top than compete for the middle—choosing the harder path is the easier option.
{{ subscriber.first_name | strip | default: "my friend" }}, here’s the truth about good writers.
They are magnets. They are authorities. They slice through the noise instead of drown in it.
But good writing doesn’t mean being an expert.
It means connecting deeply with your audience by sharing ideas you believe in.
This is something anyone can do with the right approach.
And it’s why I’m excited to release Magnetic Emails.
When I discovered writing four years ago, I loved it. But I sucked. I didn’t understand how to resonate with my readers. I’ve been obsessed with fixing that—and story-based emails have been the biggest lever for my business.
And I love systems.
So I’ve spent thousands of hours building and refining a simple 6 step process to help myself and my clients get good at reaching fans in such a noisy world.
I’m pleased to say it’s ready for release.
And I’m confident it’ll be one of the best resources for your writing in 2024 and beyond.
The launch is 1st September and over 2200 entrepreneurs are already on waitlist.
You can join them by clicking here (if you haven’t done so already).
Writing online is still the best opportunity to build a truly meaningful business. Focus on making an impression, not chasing impressions.
You got this,
Writing is hard. It takes grit and determination. But that’s the reason it’s so damn important. We live at a time of instant gratification—the potential reward for those who are willing to work is so much higher.
It’s my aim to make it as effortless as possible for you to do the hard thing.
Join the waitlist.

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business