How Big of an Audience Do You Need to Start Your Newsletter?
The truth:
There is no perfect audience size to start sending emails.
In fact, there are three reasons why setting a number target is harming your business.
Let me explain, then I’ll give you the solution.
Reason #1: A lack of control
When you wait for a certain size, you outsource the control of your business to an algorithm.
You have no clue how long things will take (especially since platforms generally get harder over time).
And as time passes, you’ll worry you’re making a mistake.
And considering how powerful email is for your business, you would be.
Reason #2: Leaky Bucket Syndrome
Growing your audience without having somewhere to send them is like pouring water into a bucket full of holes.
Because followers don’t hang around.
And people are most interested in what you do the moment they find you.
You want a lead magnet ready to take advantage. This way you capture attention instead of lose it.
Then just send a short weekly email to keep the relationship cooking.
And my favourite reason not to wait…
Reason #3: Social Seppuku
Seppuku is a Japanese term for taking your own life.
Let’s say you hold off until you have a big audience. You excitedly send your first email and expect applause from the crowd.
But instead?
You sucked.
Because all you’ve done for a year or two is create social media content.
You have no experience with emails and it shows (I see this often from social media influencers… people don’t read emails for more generic listicles.)
You might get away with one average email.
But 2-3? You’re just another name clogging up the inbox. So the hard work from building your audience goes down the drain.
So what’s the solution?
Start your list when you have a source of traffic and need to build trust.
That means you have an offer to sell…
Or you want to promote affiliate offers…
Or you plan on selling something in the next 6-12 months (because relationships take time to build).
If you get good at writing emails when few people are reading, you’ll have the skills to take advantage when the world pays attention.
That’s the approach I took.
It’s helped me scale to $500k/year through simple story-driven emails.
And if you’d like help doing the same, you’d love Magnetic Emails.
Because I give you a simple 6-step system for sharing ideas you love to write about…
And connecting them to what your audience cares most about.
This way, you get to sell whilst enjoying writing (which is the secret to long-term success).
Whatever you do, don’t wait too long to start.
Because you don’t write emails because you’re an authority. You write them to become one.

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business