Should You Send Daily Emails?
You must be able to think for yourself
Last night, I dusted off one of my favourite books from 2019, The Great Mental Models by Farnam Street.
One lesson leapt out at me:
The map is not the territory.
It means representations often don’t reflect reality. A map might say one thing, but when you start travelling, the terrain is completely different.
Understanding this makes you more adaptable to advice.
This is crucial as an entrepreneur—especially if you’re building online.
You have so many people telling you what to do. So many maps to follow. Instead of having a clear GPS to your destination you end up wandering the digital world overwhelmed by the information.
The problem?
Everyone’s plan is persuasive.
It’s not because influencers are trying to manipulate you (at least, most aren’t). It’s because they genuinely believe in what they do, and they’ve spent years mastering their message to get you to believe it too.
As a result, you’re pulled in hundreds of directions—busy going nowhere.
An example from my life is the debate of daily emails.
Email marketers swear by ‘em. In fact, you’re an idiot for ignoring them. In their eyes, a lack of daily emails is the equivalent of setting fire to stacks of cash.

But does their map reflect your reality?
Perhaps, but there’re influencing factors you must consider. Daily emails are smart for some but not for all. And you can get the right advice at the wrong time—it depends entirely on your priorities.
If you don’t question what you’re told, you will spend your career in the shadow of someone else’s advice (instead of carving your own path).
Follow a map, but check the terrain.
Hope this helps,
Inside Magnetic Emails, I break down the factors you need to consider and share the hybrid approach that’s helped me scale to $500k/year (with 90% of that revenue generated through my newsletter).
If you’re struggling to decide how many emails to send for your business, you’ll love module 1 of the course. It launches on September 1st.
You can join 1689 people on the waitlist by clicking here.

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business