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    This Is How I Turn Lukewarm Followers Into Raving Fans

    By Kieran Drew

    Everyone and their aunt is a content expert these days.

    Browse social media for a second and you have influencers ‘spilling the secrets’:

    “Swap your How To’s with How I’s.”

    “It’s not about how fast you grow.”

    “You gotta give more value.”

    “Be more polarising.”

    “Share more stories.”

    There’s nothing wrong with these tips. In fact, I stole them all from my own timeline.

    But this is bread and butter audience-building stuff now.

    If you want to stand out, you must go deeper.

    Because there’s so much noise online—so many people pitching the same offers to the same audience with the same tired old tactics.

    …Then wondering why they get the same disappointing results.

    But some entrepreneurs are thriving in today’s busy arena.

    And it’s because they have a special ingredient that’s seriously lacking online.

    Something that, if you sprinkle into your writing, will create a level of connection and response that your competition dreams about.

    What is this magical solution?


    I know, not mind-blowing.

    But because so few people make it their top priority, it works so damn well.

    I had the importance of empathy drilled into me when I was a dentist (every pun intended). I was seeing 30 patients a day—most were in pain and terrified of coming.

    If you couldn’t make them feel seen, heard, and understood?

    The appointment would go terribly.

    They don’t like or trust you, they don’t believe what you say, and they don’t want to spend any money.

    The same is true online.

    Content without empathy is like a Ferrari without an engine.

    It might look nice, but it ain’t going anywhere.

    Because most creators are shouting AT their audiences. They’re trying to forcefeed their solutions without establishing a connection.

    So when you take a step back and speak with your readers…

    And show you understand their struggles…

    And prove you’re passionate about solving the problems they’ve faced…

    You’re a breath of fresh air.

    Because your reader goes:

    “FINALLY, this person gets me.”

    And that is an incredible position to be in.

    It’s why I’m proud of Magnetic Emails.

    Unlike many online products, this isn’t a ‘derp your way to $10k/month in 90 days’. You don’t get sleazy sales tactics or manipulative marketing strategies.

    Instead, you get a blueprint for establishing genuine empathy when you write (it’s a key part of the first lesson and step of the system).

    It might not be the sexiest strategy, but for attracting great customers?

    For building a durable business?

    It’s the most effective.

    Take a read:

    Few people focus on empathy—which is precisely why you should.


    Kieran Drew

    About Kieran

    Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business