The minimum viable momentum approach
Last month, I started posting on Instagram.
If you’ve known me for a while, you know I’m not an IG enthusiast — content should be about how good you think, not how good you look.
But my hairline’s on a limited timeframe, so I figured best get started while I can.
Now, don’t worry my friend, I’m not here to tell you how to take the best selfie.
I’m here to share a much more important idea: how to take faster action.
I decided to start Instagram 9 months ago. That 8-month window between decision and action is unacceptable. Not acting will cost you tonnes of mental energy as you keep overthinking the decision. Plus, you’re delaying the slow drag of the compounding curve.
There’s a long slope to success — you must buy a ticket as early as you can.
My problem?
Trying to be too smart.
When I started on Twitter, I was like a headless chicken clucking out platitudes and wondering why nothing was working.
This time, I thought I’d do better.
I tapped into my network and hopped on calls with IG experts. I hoarded tips and tricks, picturing myself catapulting to Dan Koe levels of fame as I took the platform by storm.
Guess what I did with that information?
Sweet nothing.
I became overwhelmed. Hell, I still don’t know what a reel is. I persuaded myself there were better things to do (not hard when it comes to more social media).
When you start a project, it’s natural to want to nail it.
But ‘nailing it’ isn’t the goal. ‘Starting it’ is. It doesn’t matter how perfect your plan is if it just gathers dust in the cupboard of sh*t that never gets done.
The start of every project is like climbing a wall.
The more complexity you add, the bigger the jump. Add too much and you’ll go find something easier to do.
Instead, the key is to aim for minimum viable momentum.
Take your goal and break it down into the smallest version of whatever you want to achieve.
- Want to start writing? Don’t write a book. Write a tweet.
- Want to be a great communicator? Don’t make a speech. Speak to a stranger.
- Want to start a business? Don’t bet the bank. Solve one problem for one person.
Then once you get going, you add another layer. Then another. And another.
This isn’t the sexy way to succeed. You won’t be getting claps of admiration for your all-in attitude. But you will keep playing games that most people quit (it’s sad to see how few people are still standing from four years ago).
The minimum viable momentum approach works for three reasons:
First, success is no longer a wall to leap but a staircase to climb.
Second, you lower your expectations. In writing, the first draft is always sh*t. The same is true for almost anything in life.
Third, you work with your monkey mind instead of against it. Commitment bias is powerful. If you take the lowest form of action for 30 days, you’re much less likely to quit.
For Instagram, that meant one post per day. No video. No captions. No reels. No engaging. Just one post per day for a month to see how things go.
And how did they go?
Well, I now have 243,000 followers and I’m pleased to announce the launch of my new product: High Impact Instagram.
Just kidding.
I have 240 followers (come join them here). We’ve just began upgrading our design. And later in the summer after I finish my current project, I’ll start video content.
So my request to you:
Slow down. What are you overcomplicating? What are you avoiding? What mountain can you break down into a mound?
Remember, the start is supposed to suck.
Make it easy to do the hard thing.
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About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business