Are Expert Writers Ruining Your Business One Tip at a Time?
“Throw away your templates.”
“Stop using frameworks”.
“Formulas don’t work.”
You’ve probably seen these ideas on the timeline from popular writers.
I understand why they say it. You don’t want to be a clone of the crowd.
But I disagree.
Because here’s what they’re forgetting:
Writing is hard.
Bloody hard.
Throwing away your templates is like taking the stabilisers off your bike before you’ve learned to ride.
Because when you start writing, landing sales or going viral feels like black magic.
Sometimes you nail it. Most of the time you don’t.
And that unpredictability is painful to grind through. Hell, it took me a year to hit 1,000 followers and 18 months to make one dollar.
Unless you enjoy pain, you can’t afford for things to take that long.
But nor do you need to do.
Because here’s the truth about writing.
It’s just psychology on paper.
And human behaviour is predictable. It has a pattern. This is why formulas work—you’re just presenting the right things in the right order.
So don’t shy away from using them.
Just make sure you’re giving things your unique spin.
Happy writing,

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business