What to do when you’re running low on motivation
It's lightly edited but otherwise untouched. I've kept them on the site to show how the journey has evolved.
I was scrolling 𝕏 recently and stumbled across a young 'un referring to me as a 'money twitter OG'.
I’m not sure if that’s because I’m starting to go grey…
But I’ve been writing online for 3 years now.
Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of people quit. When I speak to those still going, I always ask how they're feeling. And not the 'bro you pumped?' kinda stuff...
But real questions about their energy and motivation.
It's interesting to compare the answers to what you see on the timeline.
Because let me tell you this:
Social media is not an accurate representation of real life.
It's a highlight reel - people are just presenting their most polished sides.
On these calls, I hear these all the time (and feel them too):
Content isn’t exciting anymore. It used to be you could post all week. But now you’re scraping the barrel of creativity.
Client work feels like a drag. You begin to dread the calls.
Engaging feels like crawling through broken glass. I don’t need to explain this one =)
You begin to doubt the mission. You thought being a creator was all you ever wanted. Now you’re not sure if you’re on the right path.
If you’re running low on motivation, I’m gonna give you two ideas that help me the most.
One is obvious, the other less so.
But first, let me say this:
The only way to lose the game is if you stop playing.
You’re not meant to be running on a permanent creator cocaine high. If you are, I’d like to meet your dealer. It’s natural to slow down - but the secret is to keep moving.
After all, one of the best guarantees of long-term success is consistency.
So let’s start with the obvious:
Take a bloody break.
It’s ok. The world won’t shut down without you checking Twitter.
Switch off. Disconnect. Enjoy the other parts of life that are too easy to forget in the blur of business.
My girlfriend and I usually take a 3-4 day weekend each month. Plus every week we have ‘slow Sundays’ - where we can’t go on our phones. After big sprints like product launches, we take 1-2 weeks off.
The other idea is one I come back to often.
It’s about correcting course by asking one question:
Am I doing the thing that gives me the most energy… for the right reason?
Because it's easy to slip into tracking external metrics or doing stuff because 'other creators told me too' - when really, the best path to success is an internal game.
Take writing for example.
There’re so many benefits.
Clearer thinking. Faster learning. More self-awareness. Overdosing on tea every day from your kitchen.
But over time you begin to focus more on likes and impressions and less on making an impact.
That’s natural. Digital dopamine is one of the most powerful incentives in the world.
The problem is these metrics are outside of your control. When you have issues like algorithm changes, you get hit hard.
Motivation plummets.
Doubt creeps in.
You begin to think you need to change the plan.
But the plan has always stayed the same:
Do work you love. Create things that help other people. Finish each day a little bit better at your craft.
Do these 3 things over a decade and I guarantee you’re gonna be in a good place.
Remember, the journey is the reward.
Keep playing games you can win.

About Kieran
Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business