Kieran Drew

Kieran Drew

Ex dentist, current writer, future Onlyfans star · Sharing what I learn about writing well, thinking clearly, and building an online business

134 posts

17 lessons from 2,000 digital product sales

The biggest writing mistake according to one of the most popular cognitive scientists in the world

My stupid, silly, and unsexy plan to get rich slow

Stop making this mistake when you write about your ideas

My first ever tweet (and why I wouldn't it write now)

What to do when you’re running low on motivation

September’s Business Breakdown (Revenue, expenses, and what I’m working on now)

The big mistakes I made building High Impact Writing

How to make your course 10x more sexy

Marketing secrets behind 2 6 figure launches

Copywriting tips from a six figure launch

3 tips on how to build a course from High Impact Writing